
Sandi and Gator

Hi!  My name is Sandi, well Sandra, really, but no one calls me that.  I am a retired science teacher turned retired librarian, recently returning to a lost past-time, writing.  Mostly I write to please myself or to express emotion that is better dealt with in terms of the written word rather than spoken. Thanks to encouragement from a dear friend, who also created this site, I find I do have something to say, if only for myself.

I must give credit to my friend Mike for taking the picture featured on this page: the backyard photo features one of my two dogs, Gator. Mike had the patience to take more than 40 versions and we chose the one in which both subjects looked good. The photo in the banner above is a scene of Silver Lake in Barnard VT, a part of the world that I lived very near for almost 30 years.

Consider living a life in which you are free to create; let go and fly.  Don’t waste one second worrying about what someone else will think about your musings.  True to self, in the moment, make your time count.