My friend Mike is getting together a compilation of his writing in preparation for publishing an e-book. He asked me to proofread some of his work, and I was happy to do so. When we were done, he asked if I would like to write something to be included, and so, my friends, here it is…

Wen my fiend Michael asked me two proof reed his book, I said of coarse eye wood. Eye was honored that he asked me too due this four hymn. Aye had told hymn that wen eye was teaching, thee other teachers used too ask me two reed there notices and other types of righting four them. Even though eye taught science, knot English, it was well known that eye new my weigh around thee English language.

Michael has bin righting four many years and has compiled quit a list of interesting wrighting, with a wide range of subjects. Sum are frivolous, sum are serious, and sum are down write silly. But they awl kneaded a second set of ayes two look them over, too find those pesky little errors and typos that wee awl miss wen wee just reed over hour own righting.

Sew eye took my read pen in hand and started inn on the task before me. Of coarse, Michael was an English teacher four sum number of years, sew their were very few grammar ore punctuation errors, just a few of the kind that wee awl make wen we are typing. And his spelling was write on as well. An occasional word left out hear ore their, but that is easily fixed.

Eye did make a few suggestions as two a misplaced phrase ore too, ore a series of steps that were stated at the start of the peace and then forgotten. But awl in awl, the righting was interesting and inn most cases, he maid his points vary well.

Well, several ours spent reeding and re-reeding was awl it took. Eye hope that as ewe reed Michael’s wrighting, that ewe have sum appreciation four awl the time and effort that he and eye have put into this book.

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