Category Archives: Family

It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve…

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You were and are And have been Forever and always The man-part of myself, More than any husband or lover Could ever be. And I am and Always was The woman-part of you. The part you tried to find, And … Continue reading

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Oh, Brother

How to explain to one who doesn’t have a brother What you mean and meant to me? Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, Like no other, only us, just us two.   Living the same different, you boy, … Continue reading

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To the Lake

First time seen we ran and climbed On glacier- strewn boulders bigger than Dad’s Chevy. Looked across the cove, Swimming in our minds. I’ll win. Run down, small, weed-choked, perfect. Daring each other to swim now, but Only April, too … Continue reading

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Two the Lake

More floating memories surface now, The bubbles clinging to my body As I enter crystal velvet water. Seeking what was lost, what I loved most.   Louie, black and sleek, figurehead dog In my canoe, jumping to bow before I … Continue reading

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Lake Lost, Lake Found

Cool April morning, long in planning, Finally, five together to remember. Two with long memories of This place, and  three without.   Long Jersey highway trip from Crowded city to lovely Sussex place. Tumbled rocks appearing, Silver sparkling streams regained. … Continue reading

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Eel Fishing with Two Dutchmen

When I was little, I would say maybe 6- 7 -8 years old, my father used to take me fishing with him.  My brother was still too little to go, so my father would take me with him, and we’d … Continue reading

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I hear you. So much of what Christmas means to me is the memories of my family, so much of which altered forever after my mother died. Our little broken family limped along that first December, just going through the … Continue reading

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A Christmas Tale

A Christmas Tale Most kids in my Driver’s Ed. Class don’t believe me when, cruising on the old Stage Road, I watch and wait and finally point to a scarred track that served as a driveway and say, “We used … Continue reading

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