
Unwanted drama has entered my life; a friend of a dear friend has repositioned herself and in this turning has brought on tears and regrets, betrayal and loss of trust. What started out as a potential bright new friendship has ended suddenly, with smiles and mutual interests replaced by emptiness, misunderstanding, and pervading sadness.

Strong feelings are never easy to share; I tend to be reserved and careful in forming friendships, taking many weeks and even months to open up and trust. This time I was swept up in shared life experiences: recent loss of family members, finding one’s self alone after years of being part of a couple, love of animals, and friendship of a special person dear to both.

But the strands of this triangular friendship unravelled quickly, first with unsolicited comments about our mutual friend, followed by a one-way ultimatum issued with no provocation, and, lastly, a cry for help which I answered: foolishly, trustingly, only to be repaid with heart-rending hurt and betrayal.

So now I withdraw the tendrils I so readily and carelessly extended; not again will I let them reach out so easily. The past three years of my life have been filled with so much loss and pain, some of the wounds still fresh and raw, others healing, but marked still with scars not yet faded. In the words of Carly Simon: “I haven’t got time for the pain.” Drama is not wanted here, just an easy and engaging friendship with my dear friend, whom, I hope, will continue to be in my life.

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