Cool April morning, long in planning,
Finally, five together to remember.
Two with long memories of
This place, and three without.
Long Jersey highway trip from
Crowded city to lovely Sussex place.
Tumbled rocks appearing,
Silver sparkling streams regained.
Meeting and remembering with
Tears cried, hugs prolonged,
Eyes met not held for forty years,
Three friends- time melting away.
Then slow driving to the lake place,
Landmarks changed, long-gone,
Made to malls and bars and Wendy’s
Sitting out of place in memory’s view.
Road searching, finding, still dirt narrow,
Dennis doubting, laughing, driving on.
And rocks reseen, cove waters glinting,
Lead to long abandoned days.
Then daughter, grandson, wife, friend, and
Loving sister meet, hold eyes and hands.
Hearts full breaking with beauty,
Memories, old stories told anew.
Buzz everywhere: dock, boat, water,
Cove swimming, fish and frogs caught, watched,
Released to live in this place.
The best of life was always here.
And oh, the memories of Daddy
Come from nowhere, everywhere
Just to me, eyes, arms, hands; my heart
Breaks again and fills with his voice.
Then standing arm-linked, bending to
Crystal water, Marge releases Buzz,
To enter again forever; swimming
Diving, laughing, sailing. I envy this.
Silent praying, tumbled cloud thoughts
Drift as ashes move, sink, rise, depart.
Our eyes wet, meeting, leaving behind
Forgotten-never day. We go alone.