
All my life I have had to hold back feelings, actions, thoughts for fear of driving away those I wished were closer. These still waters run deep, more deeply than most will ever know. I’ve been slow to open up, to trust, to try the unknown.

And more: there are the boundaries imposed by others, the lines not to be crossed, words not to be spoken, actions left untried, feelings never set free.

But now here is one who doesn’t judge, who lets me set myself free, and at last I have given myself permission to throw off these ties and let out all that has been kept behind these self-made walls.

And then I’m shown another restraint, something which I have never experienced before, something that is exciting and a bit frightening, but I trust I will be safe. For here is one who has shown me patience and kindness and care, and I know when I finally let go of my reins, he will be there.

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